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4 Ways to Continue to Lose Weight While on Vacation

Summer is here again, and that means it is time for vacation season!

This is such a fun and happy time, but it is also the time where we see a lot of our ladies fall off track with their wellness goals. 

That's why this year we are launching our Happy Body Summer Project to help our ladies continue to not only lose weight, have better energy and become healthier on vacation, but to also enjoy themselves in the process. 

Here are 4 simple ways you can continue with your health habits this summer to lose weight and come back healthier from your vacations.

4 Tips For Staying Healthy on Vacation

1. Walk 20-30 minutes per day.

This sounds simple but increasing your movement can really help to offset the lack of control we have around food on vacation. Try walking instead of taking the car when you are on your trip.

2. Drink 1/2 your body weight in oz of water daily.

Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean that your body doesn't still need proper...

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What Could You Do with 5 Minutes!?


At The Limitless Lifestyle Academy, we are big proponents of self-care and taking the time for yourself before taking time and taking care of other people. Many of our women are mothers, grandmothers, wives, and many also have high-demand jobs.

Over and over again, we hear and see women taking a back seat to everything else going on in their lives. We believe in women coming first for themselves and their families, and that's not selfish. We encourage engaging in self-care because we know it's a great way to take care of your body, mind, and soul. It is essential that you stay happy and healthy for everyone around you.

Self-care is simple. All it requires is participating in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress.


Take 5 Minutes

Thinking about taking care of yourself can be overwhelming with a busy life and many demands, but that's no reason to avoid it. We have a solution for you! In our Four Seasons program, we use Precision Nutrition. This program...

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November Superstar- Patty Burke

Meet Patty

Patty joined Sphericality and The Limitless Lifestyle Academy for our inaugural virtual retreat in January 2021. A very good friend invited her, they wanted to see what it was all about.

They knew the retreat was geared towards women over 40, a unique period in women's lives. Since 40, Patty and her friend had been struggling with their weight. The things they had done when they were younger weren't working anymore.

They decided they would jump in a give it a try. After the retreat, they immediately joined The New Way to Wellness Six-week Experience, and the program hooked them. Now Patty is a member of our Four Seasons program and continues to change her health and wellness.

Big Changes

While Patty has made some significant changes, she's had two big ones related to mindset since joining our community. One, she no longer fixates on her weight. She knows weight is just a number and her body composition is more important for long-term health. She looks at her wellness...

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June Superstar- Carolyn Infante

Body composition is an integral part of our programming at Sphericality and The Limitless Lifestyle Academy. Building muscle is part of good body composition, and you must exercise to make that happen. Learn how one of our most active clients, Carolyn, makes sure she stays strong.

Carolyn & Sphericality

Carolyn joined Sphericality in 2014 when a friend recommended Sphericality. She wanted to try something new but did not want to join a traditional gym. She went with her to try a class taught by Dorian and was hooked after that.

Since 2014 Carolyn has taken well over 2000 classes, including taking advantage of our online platform in 2020. When the gym had to close, she never skipped a beat and took our online zoom classes or did something for herself from home with an epic workout set up in her home to optimize taking classes from home.

She's always participating in our studio challenges, most recently crushing our Myzone team challenge as the highest MEP earner. The...

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What is Dry Skin Brushing? And Why Should You Do it?

over 40 self-care wellness May 30, 2021

The Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

There are several benefits to dry skin brushing. One of the main benefits is, of course, the removal of dry skin from the body. Some other benefits include the reduction of cellulite and the ability to get circulation in your body moving at a pace that helps you produce new skin cells and keeps your blood circulating properly. It can also be relaxing and help if you are having a sensory overload or if you need a calming feeling to help you reduce the stress from your day. DSB is also a great way to help your body detoxify

The Method of Dry Skin Brushing

Dry skin brushing is a simple enough method. You use a non-synthetic or natural bristle brush on your body to remove dry skin.This brushing technique is done all over your body and with no lotion, soaps, or water. You simply brush the body gently making sure to get every part of your body and then take a shower afterwards.It is considered to be a more natural and milder form of exfoliation than...

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Why Youā€™d Want to Tone Your Legsā€¦Itā€™s Not What You Think.


Yes, of course, you want to tone and shape your legs. Who wouldn't?  The real important question to ask, however, is WHY would you like to tone and shape your legs?

To look good and feel comfortable in your favorite jeans? Well, that is a good reason.  We all want to feel good in our favorite clothes, including me.  But there 6 more important reasons that I, as a 58-year-old woman, exercise my legs intensely five times a week, and I’ll share them with you.

Reason #1:

Toning your legs will help you build lean muscle and burn fat, create and maintain healthy, efficient body composition that, in turn, keeps your metabolism running efficiently. Your quads and glutes are some of the biggest muscles in your body.  They can pack a powerful metabolic punch if you keep them toned.

When you stress your muscles during exercise, they begin to break down.  But afterward, the magic happens.  When the muscles repair, they build.

 Reason #2:


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Meet Our Keynote Speakers - Spring Retreat 2021

Seasonal change makes us think about where we are in our lives. It’s a great time to be inspired to make long desired changes. Spring time is one of the BEST times of the year to make changes in our wellness primarily by cleaning out the old, bad habits and adopting new ones that serve us. Spring time is one of the best times to clean up your wellness act!. Scientists have shown that metabolism can change with the seasons (it’s easier to gain weight in the winter).

Come to our Spring Cleaning for Body, Mind & Life Virtual Retreat for Women 

  • It's time you entered vacation season feeling clear, positive, and hopeful.
  • It's time to dispose of the clutter of diets and exercise programs out there that overwhelm you and don't address the unique needs of women over 40 (your...hormones!)
  • It's time to dust away all of the negative thoughts and self-talk. It's time to get out and connect with other women just like you, "Hey, I'm not alone in this."
  • It's time...
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Do you feel guilty when you put yourself first? Selfish even?


  • Did you relax entirely during that massage you had yesterday, or were you thinking the whole time of all of the things you need to do for your family after you finished?
  • Did you have buyer’s remorse for buying that new face mask for yourself instead of that sweatshirt that your son wants?
  • Did you cancel your gym membership because you work during the day and can only go at night, and the family expects a home-cooked meal prepared by none other than YOU every evening?

Unfortunately, it is pervasive for women to feel guilty about putting themselves first, let alone doing it at all!!! (especially when it comes to their wellness.

Lack of self-care contributes HUGELY to the massive impact of bodily changes in mid-life.  You know what I’m talking about, ladies!!!!!  And more often than not, the guilt becomes an excuse (or maybe the excuse becomes guilt?) to put ourselves in any other place but first.

When we spend so much time focusing on others, we may not...

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