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What Could You Do with 5 Minutes!?


At The Limitless Lifestyle Academy, we are big proponents of self-care and taking the time for yourself before taking time and taking care of other people. Many of our women are mothers, grandmothers, wives, and many also have high-demand jobs.

Over and over again, we hear and see women taking a back seat to everything else going on in their lives. We believe in women coming first for themselves and their families, and that's not selfish. We encourage engaging in self-care because we know it's a great way to take care of your body, mind, and soul. It is essential that you stay happy and healthy for everyone around you.

Self-care is simple. All it requires is participating in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress.


Take 5 Minutes

Thinking about taking care of yourself can be overwhelming with a busy life and many demands, but that's no reason to avoid it. We have a solution for you! In our Four Seasons program, we use Precision Nutrition. This program is comprised of a series of lessons to help create healthy habits. One of the lessons is about doing a 5-minute action for yourself. Everyone has 5-minutes, right? These actions are small, simple, doable, and can do any activity you'd like. You can choose a different action to take every day or focus on the same act for a specific amount of time.

There are a few rules when determining what your 5-minute action will be. It has to be something you physically do, and it has to be something you want to do.

If you're having trouble thinking of an action you'd like to do, think about some improvement you'd like to make in your life. After that, determine if you can break it down to a tiny portion.

For example, I would like to start drinking more water. A small action I can do to make that happen is to drink 16oz of water in the morning when I wake up. It won't take me long, and it ensures I already have some water first thing in the morning. Lastly, make sure it's doable. I wouldn't try to take 5 minutes in the middle of the day (when I'm busy) to drink 40oz of water. You know your limitations and what you're capable of, so be sure to choose an action that fits those things—doing this is not a cop-out or taking it easy. It ensures you'll be successful!

Examples of 5-minute actions.

-Work on a puzzle
-Get up and stretch
-Have a healthy snack
-Text a friend
-Step outside and get some fresh air
-Play with your pet

Promoting Well-being

You might be thinking, how is this self-care? Self-care doesn't have to be massages and long training sessions at the gym, though it can be. However, It can also be taking 5 minutes for yourself to do something that relaxes you, makes you feel accomplished, or makes you smile and makes you feel good. As mentioned before, self-care is participating in activities that promote well-being and stress relief.

Sometimes, after taking a 5-minute break for ourselves, we can better cope and deal with what is going on around us; this helps with stress. Having a coping mechanism is important for our mental and physical health throughout the day.

Also, doing small things to reach a goal or deadline can make us feel accomplished and empowered. After each small action, we can see ourselves getting closer to a goal or seeing something completed. This does great things for our motivation and staying on track. When we see progress in our lives, our esteem, confidence, and positive thinking improve. All of these will enhance our overall well-being.

The Challenge

On November 15th were starting our 5-minute action challenge. This challenge will last a week and is super simple. All you have to do is join our Circle Community to participate. We'll share our 5-minute actions and how they make us feel. The coaches at The Limitless Lifestyle Academy will also be participating and sharing their knowledge!



Precision Nutrition


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What The Heck Is Happening To My Body?

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