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Why Youā€™d Want to Tone Your Legsā€¦Itā€™s Not What You Think.


Yes, of course, you want to tone and shape your legs. Who wouldn't?  The real important question to ask, however, is WHY would you like to tone and shape your legs?

To look good and feel comfortable in your favorite jeans? Well, that is a good reason.  We all want to feel good in our favorite clothes, including me.  But there 6 more important reasons that I, as a 58-year-old woman, exercise my legs intensely five times a week, and I’ll share them with you.

Reason #1:

Toning your legs will help you build lean muscle and burn fat, create and maintain healthy, efficient body composition that, in turn, keeps your metabolism running efficiently. Your quads and glutes are some of the biggest muscles in your body.  They can pack a powerful metabolic punch if you keep them toned.

When you stress your muscles during exercise, they begin to break down.  But afterward, the magic happens.  When the muscles repair, they build.

 Reason #2:


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YES! It's OK to Eat Pasta!

nutrition recipe wellness Apr 14, 2021

Join Chef Ro in her fabulous kitchen with other ladies of the Limitless Community!

Ro will teach you her secret tips and tricks to make the perfect homemade pasta and easy gnocchi made with ricotta cheese (high protein) instead of potatoes (high carb)

And yes!  It's ok to eat pasta!  We teach you how to eat anything you want, and maintain a healthy and fit body.

Join Ro for more at our upcoming Spring Cleaning for Body, Mind & Life Virtual Retreat for Women on April 24th and 25th.  And don't worry if you can't make the whole will be recorded and sent to you after the retreat!

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Meet Our Keynote Speakers - Spring Retreat 2021

Seasonal change makes us think about where we are in our lives. It’s a great time to be inspired to make long desired changes. Spring time is one of the BEST times of the year to make changes in our wellness primarily by cleaning out the old, bad habits and adopting new ones that serve us. Spring time is one of the best times to clean up your wellness act!. Scientists have shown that metabolism can change with the seasons (it’s easier to gain weight in the winter).

Come to our Spring Cleaning for Body, Mind & Life Virtual Retreat for Women 

  • It's time you entered vacation season feeling clear, positive, and hopeful.
  • It's time to dispose of the clutter of diets and exercise programs out there that overwhelm you and don't address the unique needs of women over 40 (your...hormones!)
  • It's time to dust away all of the negative thoughts and self-talk. It's time to get out and connect with other women just like you, "Hey, I'm not alone in this."
  • It's time...
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April Superstar- Pattie Mastroianni

The first month of Spring we wanted to have a super star that is always working on ‘cleaning up’ her wellness, she lives our program daily and embraces our 6 lifestyle essentials. Learn about how Pattie has been cleaning up her nutrition, exercise, mindset, stress, how she understands her body and her connection to her community! It doesn’t have to be perfect, you just have to do it and live it.

Hear it right from Pattie

I joined Sphericality not long after I moved into the area. It must have been around 2013. It’s been a minute, as the kids say! My first class was Barre with Christine, and she mightily kicked my booty! I was winded when I got up the three flights of stairs. I couldn’t do a seated chair at all, and I could not get my leg up on the barre to stretch. But despite all the stuff I struggled with, I had a blast. I took some classes, and that was about it. A few months later, I threw out my back badly. Dorian had an Open House, and I...

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Do you feel guilty when you put yourself first? Selfish even?


  • Did you relax entirely during that massage you had yesterday, or were you thinking the whole time of all of the things you need to do for your family after you finished?
  • Did you have buyer’s remorse for buying that new face mask for yourself instead of that sweatshirt that your son wants?
  • Did you cancel your gym membership because you work during the day and can only go at night, and the family expects a home-cooked meal prepared by none other than YOU every evening?

Unfortunately, it is pervasive for women to feel guilty about putting themselves first, let alone doing it at all!!! (especially when it comes to their wellness.

Lack of self-care contributes HUGELY to the massive impact of bodily changes in mid-life.  You know what I’m talking about, ladies!!!!!  And more often than not, the guilt becomes an excuse (or maybe the excuse becomes guilt?) to put ourselves in any other place but first.

When we spend so much time focusing on others, we may not...

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Deb's Story of Community and Support.

How It Started

My journey with Sphericality and the Limitless Lifestyle Academy is really about how I came to value and participate in an amazing community. Anyone who has met Dorian knows that she is all about the community of women.

When I first joined Sphericality, I pictured this community as a group of people sweating together and conquering calories burned. For a while, that is all that Sphericality meant to me. Great exercise classes full of warm, friendly members and welcoming coaches who would kick my butt.

Over the years, I have seen my relationship with the community of Sphericality change and grow. Previously, I had seen hints at a greater sense of community when I participated in the "Little Black Dress Challenge" and the "The New Way to Wellness 6 Week Challenge". I had my accountability buddies who kept me on track with my daily food consumption and exercise goals. We swapped recipes and cheered each other on. The entire Challenge community met every week, and we...

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March Superstars: June Geczi & Morgan Friedrich

Their Studio Experience 

Having a wellness buddy is always a good thing, and sometimes you’re lucky enough to have your wellness buddy be your granddaughter or your grandma! June and Morgan are newfound fitness buddies but have known each other for much longer. June joined Sphericality when we first opened in 2009. She started by taking yoga with Coach Gianna, and as we added more classes, she grew with them. Now her favorite classes are barre & fusion. Morgan joined us at the studio in the fall of 2020. She was visiting her grandma and asked what she did at the studio. Instead of just telling her, June wanted to show her. Morgan was invited to a Saturday morning barre class and loved it. Her favorite part is the variety of classes and how strong she feels after class.

 Bonding over Fitness

Morgan and June have a great relationship, built beautiful times together, and strong communication considering their generational difference. Being in the studio ...

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Healthy Tuna Melt

What to do when one gets a hankering for a tuna melt?  

I know that some of us aren’t big tuna fans, but if you love it like I do, you also know that it can be loaded with calories and carbs when made into a sandwich or melt.

Check out this recipe to make a healthier version of the classic tuna melt that will certainly support a balanced macro (carbs, fat, protein) ratio for the day.



  • 6 oz can of albacore tuna (in water), drained and flaked
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 Tablespoons oatmeal
  • 2 Tablespoons diced onion
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons low-fat shredded cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Blend all of the ingredients (except the cheese) in a bowl.
  2. Form two patties. 
  3. In a frying pan, cook one side until brown and then turn. When the second side is nearly done, sprinkle cheese over it.
  4. Serve on a bed of lettuce and top with a slice or two of tomato. Sometimes I’ll add a little sliced avocado as well
  5. ...
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Dorian's Super Green Post-Workout Shake

One way I support healthy body compositions by ensuring I consume 30 grams of high quality protein (branch chain amino acids) and some carbohydrates after my workouts.   My body will break down the protein and utilize it to repair and build the muscle that was stressed during my workout.

Here's the recipe for my "Go-To" post-workout shake: 

  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 8 oz water
  • 6 ice cubes
  • 1 scoop Garden of Life plant-based, unflavored protein
  • 1 tsp "Your Super" Power Matcha Powder
  • 2 tsp "Your Super" Chocolate Lover Powder
  • 2 tsp "Your Super" Plant Collagen Powder
  • 1 tbs "Your Super" Muscle Power Protein Powder
  • 1/4 cup fresh organic blueberries
  • 2” piece of banana
  • 1 tbs raw organic cacao powder
  • 1 tsp organic cinnamon

I recommend that you do this in two steps:

1. Blend the ice cubes, water and spinach for 20-30 seconds.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend for about 60 seconds.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The...
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Oh, Go Ahead and Have One!

How are you going to resist all of those holiday cookies and sweets? The party is about to start!

You don’t need to!  Just be smart about it. ‍  It is totally ok and natural to have a treat or two now and then in moderation.  The problem usually arises in the moderation department!  Another problem area is the Chocolate Department.

Here is a recipe from a cookbook one of my clients gave to me.  It’s called “Every Day Detox, ” by Megan Gilmore.  These no-bake chocolate macaroons are super easy and quick to make.  You can enjoy one or two of these treats without feeling guilty and satisfying your chocolate sweet tooth!


Whip some up before Christmas and serve them at whatever event you are hosting or attending.

Here’s the recipe:  

Makes 20 pieces


2 cups, Unsweetened Shredded Coconut

1/2 cup, Raw Cacao Powder

1/2 cup, Maple Syrup

1/4 cup, Almond Butter

1/4 tsp,...

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What The Heck Is Happening To My Body?

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Discover Easy Ways To Live In Harmony With Your Hormones
You do not have to feel defeated by all of this. The good news is that there is a solution.