Quarantine was the worst, right?
It threw our bodies, minds, spirits and hormones for a loop!
As if hormone change isn't bad enough, throw a layer of pandemic on top and it's a recipe for disaster!
- Gyms & Studios closing and disrupting our exercise routines.
- Working from home throwing off our regular habits.
- Spouses and kids always around.
- Stress of uncertainty growing every day weighs on us.
- Worry causing restless nights.
- The monotony of staying home closing in on our mental outlooks.
- Boredom triggering emotional eating.
- Loneliness from the isolation and lack of connection to others.
And this all on top of hormonal change!
Did you know that the average weight gain during the pandemic was 29 lbs?
Ladies, it's time to get back on track.
Spring is here and the pandemic is largely over, it's the perfect time to get back to a healthy lifestyle.
It was hard enough during normal times to balance our hormones, keep a healthy weight and stay motivated. We all did our best over the past 15 months, and we are feeling (and seeing) the impact now. Join us and get back to...
☀️ A regular exercise routine to fire up your metabolism and say goodbye to that “quarantine 15” (or 29!)
☀️ Mindful eating to fuel your body with hormone balancing nutrition.
☀️ Sleeping peacefully so have the energy for your ambitions.
☀️ Stress levels that drive you rather than paralyze you.
☀️ Having a positive outlook so you can manifest your dreams.
☀️Being together! Who said, “Girls Night!!?”
☀️ Living in harmony with our hormones so that you can feel confident and move forward in a body you love!
Are You Ready?
We start on June 21st
The perfect way to get your body back...
The New Way to Wellness 6 Week Summer Sizzle Challenge!
Let’s get together in wellness and take back our lives!!! This will be our most exciting challenge ever! There is so much excitement in the air. This is our most popular challenge “Super-Sized” with new features to get you fired up and get you results! Let’s get your body and life amped up and better than ever.

"I feel like I hit the jackpot! My steady class attendance and commitment thanks to the encouragement and inspiration of Dorian, Robyn, Laura D, Deandra C, Kelly C, Christine H, and all, have helped me to stick with food awareness and an exercise and wellness routine especially through WFH and our Covid-19 situation. My pairs of jeans at home are now loose and falling apart AND my online order fits me! SO excited beyond explanation. When I put on my new jeans my first thought was gratitude for the commitment of owner Dorian and all of the wonderful Instructors. Thank you for being there, for staying committed to us, and for the opportunity to be part of your family!"
Here's How We'll Do It...
You'll create a new blueprint to rebuild your house of wellness (your body) that will last a lifetime with our 6 Lifestyle Essentials.
🥗Week 1: Nutrition
This week we will focus on everything nutrition! You’ll learn how to quickly prep and plan your meals with our done-for-you meal plans, recipes, grocery lists, and coaching. The food is delicious and family-friendly, so they’ll get healthier too! In six weeks, you’ll lose weight, sugar-cravings, toxins, and habits that do not serve you. Healthy eating habits will now be your norm.
🏃🏻♀️Week 2: Exercise
Now that you're settled into your nutrition and meal planning and you’ve checked out the virtual exercise studio, it’s time to customize your perfect exercise routine. This exercise plan will fuse with your meal plan to amp up your metabolism and burn fat, getting you back driving your wellness wagon. The best part is that you can do it anywhere, any time.
🥱Week 3: Stress & Sleep
You’re on a roll now with your meals and your movement! This week, our focus will be calming down and getting better rest. Stress makes us produce a hormone called cortisol that encourages the body to hang on to fat. During our sleeping hours, our bodies do a major hormonal re-set. We want to make sure that happens so that our exercise and nutrition efforts aren’t sabotaged.
😇Week 4: Mindset
A positive and joyful mindset is key to success and happiness. An exceptional friend and guest trainer at The Academy, Sophie Lise Fargue, will kick off the week live from Paris, France to guide us through an extraordinary Master Class, "Cultivating Joy." Sophie is a therapist, meditation guide, and coach, to name just a few of her unique skills. This is sure to be a highlight of your challenge.
👩🎓Week 5: Education
One of the biggest reasons women over 40 struggle with hormonal change is that they are uninformed. As young girls, we are indoctrinated & educated into puberty. The same is not true for menopause. Once you understand hormonal change, it's easy to make a wellness plan and make lifestyle changes to create and live in a body you love.
👩❤️👩Week 6: Community & Legacy
Community is key to long-term success. It's one of the most essential things we cultivate during this experience. We are hard-wired to come together to get things done. Why do you think women always go to the restroom together?? As we wrap up the challenge, we'll focus on the power of support, accountability, friendship, and the fellowship of women in wellness.

Weekly Group Coaching
This is game-changing feature that sets this program apart from all others. Check in weekly with your fellow participants and our top coaches. We’ll discuss your challenges and victories while offering support, guidance and education in six key areas of wellness.

The Daily Dose
Each week will have a different theme based on a key area of wellness. Exercise, nutrition, sleep/stress, mindset, education and community. Every day you’ll receive a motivational email with information, and affirmation and action to help you change habits and get healthy.

Private Social Community
Stay connected with the group and our team on our private social network. This is a place where you can share ideas, ask questions, get involved and make new friends. You can interact with fellow challenge members, the rest of our LLA community, team members & guest coaches.
Challenge Starts June 21st
Special Master Classes

Register today and receive a free ticket to "The Menopause Mission" Master Class and workshop with
Dr. Liz Lyster & Coach Dorian
Sign me up now! $397
We've coached hundreds of women to make incredible change in just 6 weeks...Now it's your turn.

I think it’s safe to say that I feel like I am kicking some serious butt halfway through this challenge, vs before, which felt a bit daunting. I know my buddies/family, Lisa, Claire, Alyssa, and Lindsay feel the same! We are seeing results, feeling stronger, and we are overall happy and proud of who we are. We are also an incredibly supportive team that communicates daily and lifts each other up. This is definitely a new way of living, and I love it. ❤️

"Feeling like a new woman. I have learned throughout this challenge that I can, indeed, become addicted to exercise again and this makes me very happy 😊.But I have also learned so much about total wellness from eating healthy to eliminating stress to meditation for the soul. It has been a welcome new habit! It feels great. I can make a smoothie now in 2 minutes 😊 I’m so grateful for the structure and support I needed to make this happen! 💕."
I am not currently exercising. I'm concerned that I won't be able to keep up.
I will be on vacation during the 6 weeks. How will that work?
I have food restrictions. Will the meal plan be adaptable for me?
I have bad knees and can't have any impact or jumping.
I have a busy and fluctuating schedule, will I have enough Time to commit?
I have a "bad back" and am fearful of injuring it further. What advice do you have?
I don't cook. Will I have to cook my own meals ?
Who is the challenge for?
What equipment or props do I need?
How will I have the time to prepare meals for me AND my family?
You've made it this far!
Join your Summer Sizzle Challenge!
☀️Lose those bad eating habits from quarantine.
🕶Start exercising regularly again.
🏖Release the stress and start sleeping better as we open up.
🌻Get back into a empowered and positive state of mind.
🌈Understand what's happening to your body so you can make great choices.
🌞Meet a supportive community and make some forever friends in wellness.