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4 Ways to Continue to Lose Weight While on Vacation

Summer is here again, and that means it is time for vacation season!

This is such a fun and happy time, but it is also the time where we see a lot of our ladies fall off track with their wellness goals. 

That's why this year we are launching our Happy Body Summer Project to help our ladies continue to not only lose weight, have better energy and become healthier on vacation, but to also enjoy themselves in the process. 

Here are 4 simple ways you can continue with your health habits this summer to lose weight and come back healthier from your vacations.

4 Tips For Staying Healthy on Vacation

1. Walk 20-30 minutes per day.

This sounds simple but increasing your movement can really help to offset the lack of control we have around food on vacation. Try walking instead of taking the car when you are on your trip.

2. Drink 1/2 your body weight in oz of water daily.

Just because you are on vacation doesn't mean that your body doesn't still need proper...

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How to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs Around Food

When we are children, we are constantly hearing our parents saying that we're not eating enough, and in some cases, it's that we're eating too much.

What starts to happen is that when you're a child between the age of zero and six or seven, you don't have any perspective. Psychologically, you are not able to put things into question, especially if it comes from an adult that is important in your life.

So, when your parents tell you...

  • You aren't eating enough
  • Eat for me
  • Do it because I spent so much time doing this for you
  • Normally you like that, why aren't you eating it?

...then you think you're not a good person for not eating it or for not finishing your plate, or maybe even for not thinking about the little children in Africa that are hungry.

What happens overtime, is that physically you start not trusting your body and your natural sense of satiety, which is extremely important because we all have that naturally within ourselves. We all know when we're full, we all...

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Wellness for the Summer & Beyond

This time of year seems to bring a pressure to get your body ready for the summer. We’re all thinking about bathing suits, shorts and t-shirts. Unfortunately, this leads people into following fad elimination diets that restrict eating and are hard to maintain. You might lose the desired amount of weight only to see it creep back up once you’re not following the diet as consistently.

It’s important not to fall into this mindset and only focus on the coming summer months. Remember that health and wellness is for more than just a season, it’s for life. At the Limitless lifestyle academy, we follow 6 lifestyle essentials to help achieve a healthy life.

They include- Lifestyle nutrition, optimized exercise, stress reduction and sleep, learning about your body, mindset and vision and community. We help our clients balance the lifestyle essentials together to allow them to live their best and healthiest life. Learn how you can use our lifestyle essentials to help...

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My Goodness, My Guiness!

Is Guinness Healthy?

Guinness originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness at St. Jame's Gate, Dublin, Ireland. In 1759, at the age of 34, Arthur Guinness signed a lease for the St. James's Gate Brewery, Dublin. He leased the brewery for 9000 years at an annual rent of £45. Guinness is a type of ale known as stout. Guinness stout is made from water, barley, roast malt extract, hops, and brewer's yeast. A portion of the barley is roasted to give Guinness its dark color and characteristic taste. It is pasteurized and filtered. In addition to delicious flavor and creamy taste, it may also have some health benefits!

It has antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory. Antioxidants found in the Guinness are similar to those found in red wine. The flavonoids in it give it its health benefits. These flavonoids fight free radicals in your body and can reduce your risk for heart disease and some cancers. A 2003 study claimed that a pint of Guinness could cut the risk of blood clots forming...

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How to Crush Cravings and Feel Happier

You know that feeling, an intense urge to eat a sugary, salty, or fatty type of food. Just thinking about it makes you feel excited.

There are no hunger pangs, rumbly tummy, or fatigue, which are the natural hunger signs. Only an urge to fulfill a desire. These desires are called cravings, and they can pop up at any minute.

What Are Cravings?

Food cravings are a strong desire to eat sugary, salty, or fatty types of food, which often seem uncontrollable, leaving you unsatisfied until you get what you want. 

Over 90% of the world's population experiences food cravings, and we all experience them differently.

Studies have shown that men and women crave different kinds of food.

Men are more likely to crave savory foods like meat, fish, and eggs. If men do crave sweets, they typically go for sugar-sweetened beverages. 

However, women crave mostly sweet foods like chocolate, cakes, and ice cream. The same studies have shown that women more frequently report experiencing cravings...

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The Hidden Driver Behind Menopausal Fat Gain and How to Change It

One of the main issues that a lot of us women encounter with our journey in menopause is weight gain, especially around our stomachs. This can be extremely frustrating! Especially if you feel like you haven’t changed anything about your diet and exercise, but are still putting on weight.

In this article, we will be filling you in on how a sneaky player called insulin resistance could be causing your weight gain and what you can do to prevent or reverse it starting now!

So, what is Insulin Resistance?

We did an article about this last month, but here is a recap.

When we eat carbs or sugars it gets broken down into glucose and causes our blood sugar levels to rise. When they rise, a hormone called insulin is secreted from your pancreas and acts like a key to tell the cells to open their doors and take in the glucose from your bloodstream so they can use it as fuel and your blood sugar can come back to normal. This is a necessary process and in no way a...

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December Superstar- Lauren Kirschner

Metabolic health and wellness, in general, involve many moving pieces; everything has to be working together. As we discussed in our main article, it takes all six lifestyle essentials to manage your metabolic health. Our Super Star, Lauren, implements all lifestyle essentials into her routines. Sometimes it comes naturally to her, while other times, she has to work a little harder on it. Learn how Lauren uses balanced nutrition, optimized exercise, stress/sleep management, mindset/vision, education, and community as she 'pro-ages' and manages her metabolic health.

Meet Lauren

Lauren joined Sphericality and then The Limitless Lifestyle Academy because she wanted to hear herself the best chance to find herself in a healthy place as she approached her 50's. It was essential to her to have the energy and strength to keep up with her teenage kids and be fit for herself as she got older.

"It's hard to pinpoint one favorite part of the programs because it's all so great. The instructors...

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Insulin Resistance!

Insulin Resistance, I'm sure you've heard this term before! It might have been on that commercial, blaming people's inability to lose weight on their insulin resistance. This is partly true! Losing weight when you're insulin resistant is very hard to do, but it's not as simple as that and cannot be fixed with a pill like the commercial makes it seem.

How We Use Insulin

Before we talk about insulin resistance, we need to talk about insulin sensitivity and how our body uses insulin.

1. Minimize insulin release. This occurs when your body is highly sensitive to insulin. Only a small amount of insulin is necessary to effectively and efficiently clear glucose from your blood to its storage sites. This is great news because your body has a tough time burning fat in the presence of insulin. The less insulin you have floating around, the better.

2. Quick and efficient blood sugar clearance. Again, this will occur when your body is highly sensitive to insulin.

3. Maximize glycogen uptake....

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Make SMART Goals - Create Success!

What are SMART Goals?

Goal creating is a significant aspect of our 4 Seasons Program and our private one-on-one coaching. We always make sure goals are SMART, and we work with our clients to make sure it fits with the five elements.

SMART goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and Timely. Goals are created using specific criteria that ensure your objectives are attainable within a certain time frame. Writing a SMART goal entails working through each of those five components to build a measurable goal that encompasses precisely what needs to be accomplished and when and how you'll know when you're successful.

This approach eliminates generalities and guesswork, sets a clear timeline, and makes it that much easier to track progress and identify missed milestones.

Creating SMART Goals

To help understand how to create a SMART goal, we will use a typical example to discuss the five elements of the SMART goal. A common challenge we hear from our clients is getting...

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Vitamin D Reboot-Why You Need More of the ‘Sunshine’ Vitamin and 5 Best Vitamin D Rich Foods

Imagine a world without the sun's heat and light…life on Earth would not exist.

Up to 50% of the world's population might not be getting enough sun, leaving many people deficient in vitamin D, the only nutrient your body produces when exposed to sunlight.

This is partly because people are spending more time indoors, wear sunscreen outside, and eat a diet low in quality sources of vitamin D.

With world-wide attention focused on the importance of vitamin D, here’s what you need to know.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a micronutrient that is needed for optimal health throughout your whole life.

It is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that it dissolves in fat/oil and can be stored in the body for long periods of time. There are two main forms, D2 and D3; D3 being more effective.

Vitamin D is also unique, because it is both a nutrient we eat, and a hormone that our body makes from exposure to sunlight, which is why it is often named the ‘sunshine’ vitamin. 


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