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How to Crush Cravings and Feel Happier

You know that feeling, an intense urge to eat a sugary, salty, or fatty type of food. Just thinking about it makes you feel excited.

There are no hunger pangs, rumbly tummy, or fatigue, which are the natural hunger signs. Only an urge to fulfill a desire. These desires are called cravings, and they can pop up at any minute.

What Are Cravings?

Food cravings are a strong desire to eat sugary, salty, or fatty types of food, which often seem uncontrollable, leaving you unsatisfied until you get what you want. 

Over 90% of the world's population experiences food cravings, and we all experience them differently.

Studies have shown that men and women crave different kinds of food.

Men are more likely to crave savory foods like meat, fish, and eggs. If men do crave sweets, they typically go for sugar-sweetened beverages. 

However, women crave mostly sweet foods like chocolate, cakes, and ice cream. The same studies have shown that women more frequently report experiencing cravings...

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The Hidden Driver Behind Menopausal Fat Gain and How to Change It

One of the main issues that a lot of us women encounter with our journey in menopause is weight gain, especially around our stomachs. This can be extremely frustrating! Especially if you feel like you haven’t changed anything about your diet and exercise, but are still putting on weight.

In this article, we will be filling you in on how a sneaky player called insulin resistance could be causing your weight gain and what you can do to prevent or reverse it starting now!

So, what is Insulin Resistance?

We did an article about this last month, but here is a recap.

When we eat carbs or sugars it gets broken down into glucose and causes our blood sugar levels to rise. When they rise, a hormone called insulin is secreted from your pancreas and acts like a key to tell the cells to open their doors and take in the glucose from your bloodstream so they can use it as fuel and your blood sugar can come back to normal. This is a necessary process and in no way a...

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June Superstar- Carolyn Infante

Body composition is an integral part of our programming at Sphericality and The Limitless Lifestyle Academy. Building muscle is part of good body composition, and you must exercise to make that happen. Learn how one of our most active clients, Carolyn, makes sure she stays strong.

Carolyn & Sphericality

Carolyn joined Sphericality in 2014 when a friend recommended Sphericality. She wanted to try something new but did not want to join a traditional gym. She went with her to try a class taught by Dorian and was hooked after that.

Since 2014 Carolyn has taken well over 2000 classes, including taking advantage of our online platform in 2020. When the gym had to close, she never skipped a beat and took our online zoom classes or did something for herself from home with an epic workout set up in her home to optimize taking classes from home.

She's always participating in our studio challenges, most recently crushing our Myzone team challenge as the highest MEP earner. The...

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Muscle-Does the Body Good!

Muscle! Many women find that work to be scary. They don't want to bulk up or look manly; this is why they stay away from resistance training. However, that will NEVER happen due to the lack of testosterone hormone in our bodies. Physically, what will happen is a more lean look.

Body Composition

Stepping on a scale can tell you your weight, but it does not give you the bigger picture of your wellness. At Sphericality and The Limitless Lifestyle Academy, we focus on body composition.

What is body composition? Body composition refers to everything in your body, split up into different elements. Two elements that are commonly used are fat mass and fat-free mass. Fat mass refers to all the fat tissue in your body. Fat-free mass is everything else, including muscle, organs, bone, and fluid.

The most important things we look at are fat mass and muscle mass and their ratio. This ensures your body is as healthy as possible, which is why we work out and eat right in the first place! ...

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Why Youā€™d Want to Tone Your Legsā€¦Itā€™s Not What You Think.


Yes, of course, you want to tone and shape your legs. Who wouldn't?  The real important question to ask, however, is WHY would you like to tone and shape your legs?

To look good and feel comfortable in your favorite jeans? Well, that is a good reason.  We all want to feel good in our favorite clothes, including me.  But there 6 more important reasons that I, as a 58-year-old woman, exercise my legs intensely five times a week, and I’ll share them with you.

Reason #1:

Toning your legs will help you build lean muscle and burn fat, create and maintain healthy, efficient body composition that, in turn, keeps your metabolism running efficiently. Your quads and glutes are some of the biggest muscles in your body.  They can pack a powerful metabolic punch if you keep them toned.

When you stress your muscles during exercise, they begin to break down.  But afterward, the magic happens.  When the muscles repair, they build.

 Reason #2:


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You do not have to feel defeated by all of this. The good news is that there is a solution.