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October Superstar- Lynn Mears

How It Started

Lynn came to Sphericality three years ago after putting her mother in a nursing home. She was worn out from caring for her and needed a change in her life. A close friend of Lynn's invited her to meet Dorian, and she made the commitment to herself and to the program in that first meeting with Dorian. When I asked Lynn what her favorite part of the program was, she said she didn't have one. She said,

"Everything works together, and I think that is what impresses me the most about Spherically. Real-life change happens when I work on all the different aspects of life. Eating right and exercise are just a small part of healthy living. Mindset, purpose, and vision need to be aligned as well as stress and sleep, to make change lasting."

Lynn's Mission

In The Four Seasons program, we are constantly working on mission statements and keeping them at the forefront of what we do. These play a huge role in mindset, purpose, and vision. These statements also help create goals because they allow Lynn and the ladies to focus on what they need to do to advance their health and wellness. This is Lynn's most recent mission statement:

"My mission is to live every day with love for myself, a positive attitude to life, and taking the time I need to live this so that I can take care of myself first. I will do this by letting negative thoughts go and choosing to take time for things that matter to me. By meeting my needs first, I will move to thrive in life with joy."

Long Term Goals

A big part of Lynn's mission statement is making the time to take care of herself. Her long-term goals reflect that. Her long-term goals are to not decrease in her health as she ages but to maintain and improve her health and well-being. This is important to her because she spent her life caring for others, which put some strain on her health.

"Focusing on taking care of myself and having a positive focus will only improve life for me and those around me."

Lynn's goals help her to take small steps to change situations in her life. At the beginning of her journey, it was her goal to make it through an exercise class. Now Lynn has an exercise routine and is in great shape. Currently, she is working on goals about planning her meals and being grateful. She also has goals on sleep, stress, and other things that affect her health. Sometimes she has the same goals every week, and other times they change based on what she has going on in her life. Regardless of the goals, they all lead back to Lynn putting herself first and doing the things she needs to do to maintain her health.

Specific Goals

In The Four Seasons Program, we also make sure our goals are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-sensitive). Smart Goals have been a game-changer for Lynn. She said,

"making them specific holds you to them and also helps you achieve them instead of avoiding them."

Recently Lynn has been struggling with making her weekly menus and meal planning in a timely fashion. She had been putting it off to the end of the week when she was tired and not thinking straight. The ladies of Four Seasons helped her to make a goal with specific times for planning and shopping. Lynn decided to take an hour after the 9 am Friday class to plan her meals and do Shoprite from home to ensure she has everything she needs. This is helping her not to put it off but to be successful when planning for the week. Lynn has worked this into her schedule, and it is no longer an afterthought. Goals are necessary for envisioning change, but they are not always easy. For Lynn, making them specific helps make them real and more visual for her.

The Community

The community aspect of Sphericality is another key to her success.

"Changing your life is not a solo event. It's helpful when you have people around you who understand what you are going through and support you. When you can't see a solution, or you're avoiding a solution or a move to change, the right people around you can help you take the steps or pick you up when you fall. Change is not about a six-week program. Change looks different in all the seasons of life and is an ongoing practice in living. This group and place will support me through more than a few weeks but through all the changes that life offers through the years."

The community is the most crucial part of what we do. We have watched Lynn grow and succeed in this community. She started as a new client, relying on the support of other women and the coaches. Now she is a support to other women as an experienced client.

Learn about goal setting and our Four Seasons program here


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