It's a family affair! We decided to choose this inspiring group to be our superstars for November! Like many families, they were unable to be together during this trying time. However, these 5 ladies were able to focus on their health and wellness together without being together and keeping it going through the pandemic. Lisa, Claire, Alyssa, Marianne, and Lindsay are a very close family. Lisa and Claire are sisters, Alyssa is Lisa's daughter, Lindsay is Claire's daughter, and Marianne is Claire's daughter in law. They do everything together, including family vacations, weekly dinners, and celebrations. This is their first time jumping to health and wellness together, and it has brought them even closer!
Alyssa and Lisa have been members of the Sphericality since 2014 and 2017. Alyssa has always enjoyed the classes and the atmosphere. Now that she doesn't live in the area, she's happy she can access the classes virtually. Lisa started with our 6-week challenge 6 months after a knee replacement. She was pleased to find the instructors gave her modifications for exercises she couldn't do. Now Lisa successfully exercises without letting her limitations get in the way. Claire, Lindsay, and Marianne joined The Limitless Lifestyle Academy virtual studio in early April when Lisa recommended the trial offer. They had started working from home and found the classes brought some normalcy to such a strange time. In houses full of husbands, children, and pets, they had the virtual studio as something just for themselves.
When we asked them what they like best about the program, they really enjoy being virtual. It's so easy to get on to a live Zoom class or to take a recorded class at a time that works best for them. In addition to the ease of staying home, they can travel and not miss a workout. They also had a lot of appreciation for the instructors! Even though the classes are virtual, they still feel like the instructor is there with them because of the interaction, encouragement-, modifications, corrections, and shoutouts. Some ladies have never met our staff, but they know they're friends in a strong community of women supporting women.
A family that exercises together stays together! Their wellness journey has created a stronger bond between the ladies by creating a support group and a common goal. During the strictest part of quarantine, the only way they saw each other was through the Zoom classes. They were able to wave to each other and the nieces, nephews, grandchildren. Their group chats, "The main B's," as Marianne calls it, have become more active, and they "see" each other now more than they usually would. Together the 5 of them are creating a legacy of wellness for their own children and future generations. They help each other stay on track with accountability in many ways. They use their chat to ask whose taking any particular class, cheering each other and checking in to make sure they got to class. They also use the group chat to share how the class went and congratulate each other if they shout out from the instructor. They also know each other's schedules, and they'll jump on a class so they can see each other through Zoom. Sharing healthy and creative recipes is also something they do to stay on track. Knowing they have the same goal has been the driving force during their journey of wellness. Their successes, growth, and support for one another have been fantastic and inspiring to watch.
We asked each of them to give one of their family members a shout out; here are their answers. Lindsay- "I'm proud of my mom, who, despite not being the techiest person, has figured out a way to stay active and healthy virtually! She is now a Zoom queen!"
Marianne – "Lindsay deserves a shout out! For a couple reasons: She is so incredibly motivated, and the results are a true testament to her dedication! Lindsay is also notorious for putting her phone down and forgetting it exists for seven hours (kudos to her for having that sort of control.) But that often means she isn't as communicative during the day. I love that working out puts me in touch with my sister in law more than previously. Oddly enough, during a time we couldn't physically see each other for weeks. It's one of my favorite takeaways, and I am proud of her for opening up more!"
Claire – "I have to give the biggest shout out to my sister, Lisa, for believing in herself after she had knee replacement surgery. She did not let that hold her back in anything she wanted to accomplish. She continued exercising as soon as the Dr. gave her the go-ahead. She works hard, and I am inspired by her! When I first started, she encouraged me to do what I could until I got stronger. Now, I even amaze myself! I am stronger than I've been in years!"
Alyssa – "I want to give a shout out to Marianne. With being a mom of two and working, she always finds the time to prioritize her wellness journey. She is dedicated to taking multiple different classes a week as well as running. She has been pushing herself to run longer distances and recently ran her longest yet, 10 miles!! I know she will continue to push herself and reach her goal of running a half marathon. She also inspires me daily with her amazing cooking and healthy, creative recipes."
Lisa – "I want to give a shout out to Alyssa. Her dedication to working out amazes me! She rarely misses a day a will typically do multiple workouts a day. Usually walking before work and either squeezing in a class or a Peleton ride after work. She recently shared her calendar with all her workouts color-coded, and I don't think she missed a day in October. The support and encouragement she has given since I joined the program have been so beneficial for me, and it was because of her I joined in the first place."
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